Green Cards:
Permanent Residency

Immigration Explainer: Green Card

Learn about the ways you can obtain your United States Green Card (Permanent Residency), whether you’re eligible, how much it costs, and how long it takes.

Green cards, or permanent residence cards, are among the most sought-after documents in the field of permanent immigration to the United States.

 For many immigrants, permanent residency and eventual citizenship is their ultimate goal. But, achieving that goal can be difficult and there are many ways to go wrong legally.

There are many ways that immigrants can try to get a green card; the attorneys of Margaret W. Wong & Associates, LLC, can work closely with you to find a course of action that will get you what you need. With seven different offices and the experience of dozens of lawyers, our firm has the resources and skills to help plot your course to permanent residency.

Explore Our latest Success Stories

Family from Mexico Win Green Cards, Start American Dream

Jorge and Maria Saldana, came to the United States undocumented from Mexico leaving their young son, Enrique, behind with relatives but sending money every month to ensure his support and well-being. After many years of having no immigration Status, they came to see us at Margaret W. Wong & Associates LLC and we applied for […]

Your Green Card (Permanent Residency) Attorneys

It takes a law firm with experienced and skilled attorneys to handle immigration; it is even more important in the more challenging cases. Margaret W. Wong & Associates, LLC, is one of the premier immigration law firms in the United States. Our attorneys have 200 combined years of experience in immigration issues and have helped tens of thousands of immigrants.
If you believe you may be eligible for a green card, please schedule a consultation with one of our experienced green card attorneys, who will create a personalized immigration plan based on your circumstances. We represent immigrants nationwide.

Obtaining a Green Card through a family-based application

The most well-known way to become a permanent resident is through family-based applications. This includes a wide range of applications. 

You may qualify for a family-based application if you have a parent, sibling, spouse or another close relative already living as a permanent resident or citizen. 

You can also gain permanent residency by marrying a U.S. citizen or, if you are younger than 16 years old, by being adopted. But these cases are not always simple; you will face intense scrutiny over your relationships and application in general.

Obtaining a Green Card through an employment-based application

There are many ways to file a U.S. green card application through your employment. Just a few are:

Labor Certification / PERM: The labor certification program has been discontinued; now the government uses the PERM system. The PERM system requires employers to advertise the job to Americans and show why it can be filled only by a foreign national. It is a long, involved process, taking around 18 months in Ohio, but often results in a green card.

National Interest Waiver: A national interest waiver will enable you to bypass the lengthy PERM process entirely and get you a green card. But your attorneys must demonstrate that giving you permanent residency will serve to improve the United States in some readily apparent way. An advanced degree, such as a master’s degree or its equivalent, is typically required.

Learn more about PERM Certification, which allows an employer to hire a foreign worker to work permanently in the United States, in our free PERM Certification immigration guide here.

Alternative options for a United States Green Card

If you have been persecuted in your home country or have reason to think that returning will subject you to persecution, you could qualify for asylum and a green card. You can also get permanent residency through the green card lottery, in which every year the federal government makes 55,000 green cards available to people who qualify.

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